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Online Radical Stroud, for 2020's Social Distancing Comrades and Dreamers

Home: Welcome

What this is all about -

Well, here we are in the snug at the virtual Topographer's Arms. It's where members of Radical Stroud meet and chat and keep good cheer...

Trains and Football

Football Specials There was, of course, a close association Between late Victorian railways And the formation of football clubs:...

Swindon's GWR Heritage

Heritage ADVERTISEMENTHeritageWhat is ‘Heritage’? We all sort of know what heritage means, Don’t we, in a way … Something handed down...

Women's Work and the GWR

An A to Z of Women’s Work in the Past in the GWR in Peace and War A is for acetylene cutter and assembler and dismantler of automatic...

Titus Okere

Titus Okere 1929-2023 Titus Okere, Once captain of Lagos Railways FC, Made history in 1953, When he signed for the Railwaymen Of Swindon...


We thank the Stroud District (Cowle) Museum Service for giving us permission to make transcripts of the two documents that follow....

34 Faringdon Road

34 Faringdon Road Stand in the kitchen and imagine this isn’t a kitchen but an open back yard. That’s how it was when this cottage was...

18th Century Gloucestershire

Local Government in Gloucestershire 1775-1800 A Study of the Justices of the Peace Esther Moir 1969 Sometimes we can let the text and the...

Ridge and Furrow

It’s true to say that on the Cotswold Way, We walked through a great deal of ridge and furrow, And traversed a great deal of common land,...

Stratford Park Theatre of Dreams

Stratford Park Theatre of Dreams I love Wednesday night’s walking football: The gathering dusk of late October: Floodlights lighting the...

Football Specials

Football Specials There was, of course, a close association Between late Victorian railways And the formation of football clubs:...

Cotswold Way Part Two

Day 6 Monday October 9 Painswick to Birdlip 10 miles Sunrise 7.13 Sunset 18.20 Carbon Count 418.19 Pre-industrial base 280 Safe level 350...

Cotswold Way

COTSWOLD WAY RANDOM TRAVELOGUE Day 1 Wednesday October 4 Bath to Cold Ashton 10 miles Sunrise 7.05 Sunset18.32 Carbon Count 418.37...


Commoners: Common Right, Enclosure and Social Change in England, 1700-1820 J.M. Neeson Some gleaning made from this uncommon text, So as...

Rough Musick

ROUGH MUSICK Ye Prologue: There’s an old radical tradition Of beating pots and pans in the street, Making a public din (Rather than a...

Tudor and Stuart Gloucestershire Riots

Tudor and Stuart Gloucestershire Riots Written after reading In Contempt of All Authority Rural Artisans and Riot in the West of England,...

Stroud Railway Station

Yes. I remember Stroud Station – The name, because one afternoon Of heat, the express-train broke down there Unwontedly. It was late...

Stroudwater Navigation and Enslavement

Interesting to see about Peter Hawker, son of George who was a clerk to the Navigation company, who married into slave ownership. I have...


Did the infamous Blackbeard hail from Stonehouse? Edward Thache aka Blackbeard Was the Revd Thomas Thache, rector at St Cyr’s,...

The King's Shilling

The King’s Shilling I wasn’t quite two, when draped as Cupid, I went down with old-school pneumonia, In the rain-swept fancy dress...

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