A Peculiarly English Form of Fascism
Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Fuhrer
A Random Imaginary Inventory
Constant use of the phrases:
‘The Will of the People’ and ‘The People’s Will’
Proroguing parliament
Mythologizing a leader
Extinction of the concept of integrity
Cavalier attitude to truth and honesty
Turning a blind eye to money’s influence in elections
But wanting to control individual electors through ID measures
Rule by Slogan
A supine yet vulpine media
An apparently supine opposition
An attack on the right to demonstrate
Stage-managed acts of national unity instead,
Militarism, Hierarchy, Inequality
The inculcation of a prescribed ‘national history’
Defiance of international law
Fetishization of infrastructure projects
Banning of books
Demonising dissenters and dissidents
Criticised by clerics and priests
Officially sanctioned ‘free speech’ demands at universities
Flying the flag
No right to wander
Propagandist addresses to the nation
Opposition to trade unionism
Cronyism: honours, contracts, jobs, posts
Use and exploitation of referendums
Wanting to control the naming of public spaces
Structural racism
Structural misogyny and sexism
Statues more important than women
Supported by and seeking the support of far-right organisations:
‘Tomorrow Belongs, Tomorrow Belongs, Tomorrow Belongs to Me’

Wow...are you reading my thoughts?! Love the reference to that chilling Spitting Image sketch. That has come to mind many times over the last couple of years.