I'm mostly content to be trapped in this house and garden. (Space, garden, well stocked library, food cupboard, and our writer in residence.) As I was digging, I was on a virtual Wiltshire walk with you, starting perhaps at Coate, where I imagine a huge estate built in the last twenty years, and a road called Bevis Way being the nearest approach to Richard Jeffries, then some Edward Thomas, Wiltshire Ridgeway and antiquarians. Of course, the bit that's missing is the delightful pace of ambulatory conversation (see how I avoided using the word pedestrian?). The way that notions are left hanging in the air while the present intervenes, to be picked up later (perhaps). Within walls there's a tendency to talk in a more purposeful and connected way, which is ok but less imaginative, creative or able to see the wider web of connections. Anyway, as Vera Lynn and the queen have said "we'll meet again...." Bill
