Enough is Enough
‘Enough is Enough!’
Don’t think about semantics, axioms
Tautologies and self-evident truths,
When you read the phrase,
‘Enough is Enough!’
For this is anything but repetition,
It means instead, a society
Based upon the principle of ‘Need not Greed!’
For when the rich minority have more than enough
And much, much more than the majority,
Many of whom do not have enough,
‘Enough is Enough!’
For when you’re at the end of your tether,
Facing that heat or eat existential dilemma,
As George Orwell said,
You can’t think on an empty stomach.
You don’t think about semantics,
Axioms and tautology.
Remember, instead:
‘Enough is Enough!’
‘Need not Greed!’
And tell people to join the campaign:
1. A real pay rise.
2. Slash energy bills.
3. End food poverty.
4. Decent homes for all.
5. Tax the Rich.
