The Clarion Club
Oh! Who rides by day and night, roundabout,
Tinkling their bicycle bell?
Hark how they near us with cheering shout,
Hurrah! Hurrah! It’s the Clarion Scouts!
List to the story they tell.
What tho’ the weather be cold as an icicle,
Bravely they cling to their Clarion bicycle
Scattering leaflets, sticking up labels,
Filling a breach at old hostelry tables,
Such are the beings I’ll sing you about.
Three hearty cheers for the Clarion Scouts!
Hurrah for the Clarion Scouts!
Hail them with strenuous shouts!
As bold as Lysander
To push propaganda,
Hurrah for the Clarion Scouts!
Down to the haunts of the parson and squire,
Putting opponents to rout;
Bestriding their steeds with pneumatic tyre,
Through village and hamlet, thro’ mud and thro’ mire
Rideth the Clarion Scouts.
Nailing down lies and disposing of fables,
Improving the landscape by sticking up labels:
What do they care for the wind and the weather?
If they’re alone or a hundred together,
They’re always eager to join in a bout.
Then give three cheers for the Clarion Scout.
What do these labels mysterious teach?
What is the message they bring?
Something that comes within everyone’s reach:
A gospel of unity – that’s what they preach.
In praise of that gospel I sing.
They say that all produce belongs to the toiler;
To sweep from our country the selfish exploiter,
Abolish the hedge fund and rack-renting knave;
The land for the People – the just and the brave.
These lessons with vigour they’re spreading about:
It’s humanity’s saviour, the Clarion Scout.